askUWA for Future Students
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Results 21 - 30 of 59
- If you wish to submit your thesis before your minimum submission date , please indicate this in your "Intention to Submit" form. A clear background to the request and a detailed supporting... Date Updated: 29/01/2025
- The thesis title is also termed as "project title" in HDRhub . Navigate to your records on HDRhub by clicking "My project" in the right-hand menu on the landing screen. Click on the "Edit" button on... Date Updated: 29/01/2025
- A proforma for the front pages of your thesis that includes any required declarations is available here . Please include these front pages, complete with the appropriate signatures, in your thesis... Date Updated: 29/01/2025
- The role of academic supervisor/s is to guide you to develop your own research. You will need to identify potential academic supervisors and determine if their research outputs match your own... Date Updated: 05/11/2024
- Doctor of Architecture (Design), Doctor of Juridical Science, Doctor of Musical Arts, and Doctor of Philosophy students are enrolled provisionally until candidature is successfully confirmed... Date Updated: 10/02/2025
- To maintain enrolment in your research degree, you need to demonstrate satisfactory progress in your research. This includes: Completing the Academic Conduct and Research Integrity ( ACRI9000 ) unit... Date Updated: 10/02/2025
- The Chair will submit their report via HDRhub for your examiners to review and endorse the recommended classification outcome. This will appear on your HDRhub examination records once it is approved... Date Updated: 29/01/2025
- The viva voce involves a focused, academic discussion with experts in your field on the research described in your thesis. Examiners can clarify questions that have come up during their reading of... Date Updated: 29/01/2025
- If your examination does not include a viva voce, you may commence your revisions for your final version after receiving the classification outcome and examiners' reports via HDRhub. If your... Date Updated: 29/01/2025
- Students are not allowed to contact their examiners during the entire examination process from commencement until the classification outcome is made known. Should you need to reach out to your... Date Updated: 29/01/2025