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Results 11 - 20 of 59
- International applicants must pay tuition fees unless externally sponsored or awarded a scholarship. You can find out the annual tuition fee for your research course using our Fee Calculator . Date Updated: 12/08/2024
- Your student status will need to be formally changed in UWA's student system. Visit Student Central with your new visa and request a change to your status. If you are a HDR student... Date Updated: 05/11/2024
- UWA does not provide tuition fee waivers for research degree courses. An application for a full scholarship (living allowance and tuition fee) may be submitted during an advertised scholarship... Date Updated: 10/02/2025
- Before you can submit your thesis, an Intention to Submit form will need to be completed. The Intention to Submit is shown as 'Notice to submit' on your Milestones and goals page. This is normally... Date Updated: 22/01/2025
- The maximum submission due date can be found in your HDRhub profile by checking "Milestones and goals" in the right hand menu. Please note that maximum submission date is the date your... Date Updated: 29/01/2025
- Higher Degree by Research (HDR) students are enrolled in the following teaching periods: Teaching period Start date End date Census date RS1 1 January 30 June 31 March RS2 1 July 31 December... Date Updated: 11/02/2025
- The cost of living for a single student in Perth is estimated at AUD$30,000 per annum. This does not include tuition fees. For more information, and a handy calculator, visit Study in... Date Updated: 05/11/2024
- Stipend scholarship payments are made via the Human Resource Payroll System. Payslips can be downloaded from the HR Employee Self Service portal . Date Updated: 05/11/2024
- Yes. You must provide evidence of your English competency level, by one of the means listed on the relevant UWA page . UWA does not accept statements of English proficiency from... Date Updated: 10/02/2025
- UWA offers a variety of exciting Higher Degree by Research courses. In addition to the Master of Philosophy (MPhil) and the pinnacle of academic degrees, the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), UWA... Date Updated: 05/11/2024