Research internship defined

What is a research internship?

Answer ID 3499 | Last updated on 10/03/2025 03.55 PM

A research internship is defined as an agreed position with an external research end-user (REU) organisation when a student enrolled at UWA undertakes research and development (R&D) activities related to their area of research in their higher degree by research (HDR) studies for a minimum of 60 FTE business days over at least 3 calendar months. The R&D activities may be embedded during the studies or as a standalone project.
Examples of research internship pathways:
  • You have an industry funded scholarship (or part funded) such as through an Industrial Transformation Training Centre (ITTC) and need to complete 6-12 months in R&D placements with a host organisation.
  • Your industry (REU) funded scholarship (or co-funded scholarship) is for the full duration or part duration of your PhD studies and your research is embedded or is a discrete R&D project is to be completed through engagement with that REU.
  • You have an Industry PhD award (e.g. CSIRO, National Industry PhD).
  • Your PhD research involves a REU in lab work, collection of data, data analysis, reporting or other R&D tasks.
  • You have external ethics approval & your R&D activities are clearly defined in the application (e.g. Health Services)
  • You have a Project Agreement with a REU or industry partner (e.g. CSIRO, consultancy agreement).
  • You have a Services Agreement with a REU to perform R&D activities (e.g. Contract to provide a professional service)
  • You have a Data Agreement with a REU and are using the data & reporting to the REU.
  • Your supervisor may involve you with R&D project work as part of a Research Agreement with a REU (e.g. ARC or CRC research agreement).
  • Your employer is a REU and provides the opportunity for a defined R&D project for you to complete over 3-6 months (separate to your day-to-day role or via a secondment).
  • You may be employed with a REU to complete a R&D project during a summer vacation program over 3 months.
  • You apply for a 3-6 month research internship directly with a REU and are offered a contract.
  • You apply for an advertised 3-6 month research internship with a REU and are offered a contract.
  • You volunteer with an organisation and undertake a research project with the organisation confirmed in writing.
A research internship can be either paid or unpaid and can form part of HDR enrolment. The research internship is a written document, providing start & finish dates, outlines the R&D activities to be undertaken and details the arrangements (including supervision, insurance, IP, copyright, publications) signed by you, your supervisor, REU, and authorised by the University. 
For further details visit the website. For queries or assistance please contact us.

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