Doctoral Candidate Research Internship with a Research end-user (REU)

What is a Research end-user (REU)?

Answer ID 3498 | Last updated on 10/03/2025 03.52 PM

A Research Enduser is defined as an individual, community or organisation external to academia that will directly use or directly benefit from the output, outcome or results of the research and development engagement.
Examples of REU's include Co-operative Research Centres and their industry partners, businesses, governments, non-government organisations, communities and community organisations in Australia or Overseas. They may also be collectively referred to as industry, or a host or partner organisation.
All research internships and R&D project arrangments with a Research end-user (REU) are to be reported to the GRS. 
If you are working at an organisation, and the work is related to your area of research then your employer could be recognised as the REU where you are undertaking a relevant R&D project.
Exclusions of REU's are:
  • Other higher education providers
  • Organisations that are affiliates, controlled entities or subsidiaries (such as Medical Research Institutes) of a higher education provider
  • Equivalents (international or domestic) of the above exclusions. 
For further details visit the website. For queries contact

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