Thesis corrections
When should I start making corrections on my thesis?
Answer ID 3480 | Last updated on 29/01/2025 01.19 PM
If your examination does not include a viva voce, you may commence your revisions for your final version after receiving the classification outcome and examiners' reports via HDRhub.
If your examination includes a viva voce, please review the examiners' preliminary reports to prepare for the viva voce. You will be able to access the preliminary examiners' reports no later than 5 working days before your scheduled viva voce. An official classification outcome and the viva voce Chair report will be made available via HDRhub after your examiners and the Dean of GRS have endorsed it following the viva voce. When you commence your revisions to your thesis you will need to refer to your preliminary examiner reports and any additional revisions requested as outlined in the Chair report after the viva voce.