Thesis submission due date

Where can I find my thesis submission due date or the maximum submission date?

Answer ID 3479 | Last updated on 29/01/2025 01.17 PM

The maximum submission due date can be found in your HDRhub profile by checking "Milestones and goals" in the right hand menu. 

Please note that maximum submission date is the date your submission is endorsed by the School. Your thesis submission needs to be submitted before the maximum submission due date. To allow sufficient time for your supervisor and GRC to review your thesis and endorse the form, we recommend that you submit your thesis via HDRhub at least three weeks before the due date

Should you not be able to meet this deadline, please lodge an Extension of Candidature request before progressing the examination forms any further. If you are a fee-paying international student or do not have additional scholarship entitlements, there will be fee implications when you extend your candidature time limit or when your thesis submission is approved past the maximum submission date.

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