Changing thesis title

How do I change my thesis title on HDRhub?

Answer ID 3478 | Last updated on 29/01/2025 12.15 PM

The thesis title is also termed as "project title" in HDRhub. Navigate to your records on HDRhub by clicking "My project" in the right-hand menu on the landing screen. Click on the "Edit" button on the top right of the screen and amend your title accordingly. You need to have thesis title in sentence case (i.e capitalise only the first letter of the first word in the title, with the exception of proper nouns or terms, as you would when writing a sentence).

You will also be able to amend your thesis title as part of the Intention to Submit form and Thesis Submission form. Please note that once you submit your Thesis Submission form, you will not be able to amend your thesis title until you submit your final version. The thesis title can be revised again at the Certificate of Final Version stage.
For more information on the Intention to Submit, Thesis Submission and Certificate of Final Version forms please refer to the following links:

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