Confirmation of candidature
How do I achieve confirmation of candidature?
Answer ID 3470 | Last updated on 10/02/2025 09.00 AM
Doctor of Architecture (Design), Doctor of Juridical Science, Doctor of Musical Arts, and Doctor of Philosophy students are enrolled provisionally until candidature is successfully confirmed. Confirmation of candidature requires transparent and demonstrable evidence that you are highly likely to fulfil your degree requirements in the required time, via completing certain agreed tasks within an agreed timeline.
Your tasks to be completed and timeline within which they must be completed are agreed in writing and submitted with your research proposal.
If you have been enrolled full-time with no periods of approved leave (i.e. suspension of candidature), you are normally required to complete all agreed tasks by the deadline for your first annual progress report. If you have been enrolled part-time or have had a period of approved leave, you are normally required to complete all agreed tasks by the deadline for your second annual progress report.
Prior to confirmation of candidature, you must have completed:
- an oral presentation to a group including peers and academic staff, with both oral and written feedback provided.
- a substantial piece of writing at the appropriate conceptual level and of sufficient length to demonstrate your writing proficiency and indicate the standard of your composition skills. Supervisors must be able to assess your writing abilities, and this is an integral component of the confirmation process.
- obtained all necessary approvals from University ethics and other committees.
Your confirmation of candidature is submitted via HDRhub.
- Login to HDRhub using your student ID.
- Go to 'My project', 'Progress review and Confirmation of Candidature', and 'Create new application'.
Once you have completed a task, click on it in your 'Milestones and goals' and 'Submit evidence of completion'. Upload any feedback provided and your substantial piece of writing for your supervisors and Graduate Research Coordinator (GRC) to review.
The completion of your agreed tasks and your confirmation of candidature will need to be endorsed by your Coordinating Supervisor and GRC. Allow sufficient time for your supervisors and GRC to review and endorse your application. Your advisory panel must assist and advise your GRC on the review approval of your confirmation of candidature.