Tuition fees for domestic PhD or MPhil students

What is the cost of tuition fees for domestic Higher Degree by Research (HDR) courses?

Answer ID 3461 | Last updated on 31/01/2025 10.03 PM

Under the Commonwealth Government's Research Training Program (RTP), all Australian citizens and Australian permanent residents, as well as New Zealand citizens are classified as domestic applicants for the purposes of gaining a place for admissions at UWA.
Applicants who meet this criteria and are accepted into a HDR course administered by the Graduate Research School, will be awarded a RTP Tuition Fee Offset upon successful admission to the RTP supported HDR course.
The RTP Tuition Fee Offset will cover only the tuition fee component of a HDR course.
Applicants are not required to apply separately for the RTP Tuition Fee Offset as it is awarded as part of the application process.

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