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International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research

In this issue:

Welcome to the November issue of ICRAR's eNewsletter. This time around we have a fresh new format and a wide variety of news for you. First up, how could we not comment on the recent Nobel Prize win by Australian astronomer Brian Schmidt - congratulations Brian! We've also got some WA related news, with a new contract awarded to local company PSI as part of the construction of the Murchison Widefield Array and the low-down on an international SKA meeting hosted by ICRAR in September. There's also news on radio astronomy in space, a boost to SKA science, our joining the CUDA research program and some of our staff are even bravely growing moustaches to raise money for Men's health.
You can also catch up on anzSKA news through their latest newsletter, and read an interview with visitor Professor Mike Garrett, who was at ICRAR in September for the SKA-Low meeting.
Perhaps you know a keen astronomy or engineering student who'd like to move on to honours or a PhD? If so, point them towards our recently advertised scholarships.
Finishing up the newsletter we've got our usual International SKA update hot from the SPDO in Manchester and some recent goings on from the ICRAR Outreach and Education team, who may have inadvertently launched the robot apocalypse with their new community computing project theSkyNet.
See you next time,


The Murchison Widefield Array (MWA)

WA high-tech business helps astronomers discover the Universe
A quest to study the earliest stars and galaxies in the Universe is underway, with local industry building the first major pieces of a revolutionary new radio telescope in Western Australia, as part of the Murchison Wide-field Array.

SKA-Low conference at the Perth Zoo

Top scientists head for WA to talk SKA
Top astronomers and engineers from nine countries met in Perth in September to plan for pre-construction of the SKA at The Path to SKA-low workshop. Hosted by ICRAR, the workshop attracted more than 75 researchers from Australia, India, Italy, Malta, New Zealand, The Netherlands, South Africa, the UK and the US.

Brian Schmidt Credit Tim Wetherell

Congratulations to Australia's latest Nobel Prize winner
This year's Nobel Prize in Physics has been awarded to a group of astronomers for the discovery that the expansion of the Universe is accelerating.

One of the three recipients is Professor Brian Schimdt, an astronomer at the Australian National University's Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics.

Other ICRAR News:

New staff members have joined ICRAR since the last edition of our eNewsletter. We wish them all a warm welcome to ICRAR.

  • Dr Natasha Hurley-Walker, Super Science Fellow
  • Dr Steven Tremblay, Postdoctoral Fellow (CAASTRO)
  • Dr Shane Walsh, Magellan Fellow
Professor Michael Garrett

Researcher Interview: Professor Michael Garrett
Professor Michael Garrett was inspired into astronomy by his competitive nature, and his love of Star Trek's Captain Kirk. He brings that inspiration into his work on LOFAR and with the SKA, as well as Director of the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy, ASTRON. Hear about his vision for radio astronomy, and what he thinks will happen next.

anzSKA News

anzSKA logo

anzSKA Newsletter 32 available
The September issue of the quarterly anzSKA newletter is available and it includes a wealth of information on the science, industry, regional and education & outreach news from the Australia-New Zealand SKA team.

International SKA News

SKA Logo

A news update from the SKA Program Development Office (SPDO)
News direct from the SPDO by Jo Bowler, SKA Outreach Officer, covering site selection news and other events to do with the SKA.

ICRAR Education Update


The sky's the limit for theSkyNet
Your computer is bored, most of the time it has spare processing power that could be used to discover something amazing - so why not let it? In September ICRAR launched theSkyNet, a community computing project that uses your spare computing power to process radio astronomy data, and it's been a runaway success with almost 6000 people signed up already!

Astronomy WAFind us on Facebook

7 Fairway, Crawley WA 6009
(+61 8) 6488 7766
ICRAR Curtin
1 Turner Avenue, Bentley WA 6102
(+61 8) 9266 9899
The University of Western Australia Curtin University

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