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International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research

In this issue:

A new way to measure the expansion of the Universe 
International SKA Forum
The Milky Way: Galactic Cannibal
AustralasianSKA Industry Consortium (ASKAIC) 
ASKAP VLBI goes to the next level 
nVIDIA Academic Partnership
Gas in Galaxies meeting, Germany
Astronomer Interview: Dr James Miller-Jones 
National SKA News:
anzSKA Newsletter 31 available
International SKA News:
News from the SPDO 
The countdown is on!  
ICRAR Education Update:
ICRAR Students' Stellar Performance 
Blogging from Banff
Discover SKA wrapped up
Spirited stargazing unlimited 
Total Eclipse of the Art 


A new way to measure the expansion of the Universe

galactic surveyICRAR PhD Candidate Florian Beutler has produced one of the most accurate measurements ever made of how fast the Universe is expanding. Florian's work was published last week in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

International SKA Forum

Recently the last International SKA forum before the site decision was held in Banff, Canada. The forum was the last opportunity for the prospective sites (Australia/New Zealand and Southern Africa) to present their vision for the SKA. ICRAR's Professor Steven Tingay spoke as part of the anzSKA talk on the 'Big Picture' of the SKA in Australia and New Zealand.  Other ICRAR staff including, Director Professor Peter Quinn, were also at the forum promoting the anzSKA bid. Read more about the forum in the international SKA update below. 

The Milky Way: Galactic Cannibal

Milky Way simulation by Kenji BekkiResearch published in the Astrophysical Journal this month gives astronomers new insight into how our Galaxy may have formed.  The Milky Way has a history of devouring smaller neighbouring galaxies that get too close - one such incident, the focus of this recent work, could be responsible for the shape of our Galaxy. 

Other ICRAR News:

ICRAR has gained new staff members since the last edition of our eNewsletter. We wish them all a warm welcome to ICRAR.

  • Robert Duffin, Super Science Fellow
  • Dr Wiebke Ebeling, Education and Outreach Coordinator (CAASTRO)
  • Leanne Goodsell, Administrative Assistant
  • Rachel Kennedy, Administrative Assistant
  • Dr Slava Kitaeff, Research Associate Professor
  • Yolandie McDade, Executive Assistant
  • Dr Se-Heon Oh, Research Assistant Professor
  • Dr Roberto Soria, Senior Research Fellow

Researcher Interview: Dr James Miller-Jones

Dr James Miller-JonesDr James Miller-Jones is studying the powerful jets of plasma launched by low-mass black holes within the Milky Way, aiming to understand how they work. He hopes this will provide new insights into the workings of supermassive black holes in distant galaxies. 

National SKA News

anzSKA Newsletter 31 is now available, including general, science, industry, regional and outreach news from the SKA in Australia and New Zealand. 

International SKA News

A news update from the SKA Program Development Office (SPDO)

The countdown is on!

The SKA project office has unveiled the site selection process, including a timeline.  The countdown is now on to February 2012 when the SKA site decision will be announced!

ICRAR Education Update

ICRAR Students' Stellar Performance

At the recent Australian Astronomical Society (ASA) meeting in Adelaide South Australia, ICRAR students performed extremely well in the presentation and poster competitions. Out of over 100 postgraduate students registered at the meeting, ICRAR students took home over half the prizes!

Blogging from Banff

ImageDeputy Director Professor Steven Tingay turned into a Cosmos Magazine blogger for the recent SKA forum and meetings in Banff, Canada. The last forum before the site decision is made, it made for an important week of international discussion and presentations. 

Discover SKA wrapped up

The Discover SKA outreach period ended in June after hundreds of events across Australia and New Zealand celebrating and informing on the SKA. ICRAR played a major role in the success of the Discover SKA program, with almost a third of events involving ICRAR staff! However, this doesn't mean an end to great radio astronomy activities, see the ICRAR events page for details of upcoming events, including Curtin University and The University of Western Australia open days, which will feature ICRAR researchers.

Other Education news:

For more astronomy news visit the Astronomy WA website

Astronomy WA

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The University of Western Australia Curtin University

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